Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sucker Punch or How Frontal A Lobotomy Can Be Your Friend

If you mix a pedophilic evil step-father, add a wrongful death, a forced commitment to an institution, a dance club, ninjas, robots, dragons and lobotomies, what do you get? Sucker Punch! This is the story of Baby-doll. Hers is a sad story: Mom dies, leaves the money to Babydoll and her younger sister, which the evil step-father (who is not a nice person, hence the word evil) wants. Daddy dearest tries to get Babydoll in the bed and get her money, only to have her snap, grab a gun and accidentally kill lil' sis. Babydoll gets committed to the booby-hatch, and immerses herself in fantasy world to try and escape and then in her fantasy world immerses herself in multiple fantasy worlds....WHAAAAAAA?!?! I won't tell you more cause I don't want to spoil the nutty goodness that is this movie.
Released in 2011 this was Zack Snyder's first film based on an original script. This is a very visually compelling film, and even being somewhat of a new concept it feels very comfortable, like an old blanket you might use on a cold day. Many of the plot line points are re-hashes of old standbys but the way they are put together, as well as the many genres mixed together make this a fresh new look. The story also appeals to the comic book nerd in me, it has a very gritty graphic novel feel to it. All in all I would honestly suggest picking this one up...don't go in looking for a life-changing film, just check out mentally and enjoy the story while things blow-up!!
Sucker Punch

Directed by: Zack Snyder
Written by: Zack Snyder, Steve Shibuya
Starring: Emily Browning, Vanessa Hudgens,  Abbie Cornish
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 110 minutes

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